Pricing Schedule
Our transfer and scanning services and prices are straight forward.
Please note that at this time we do not transfer sound 8mm or sound Super 8mm films or any 16 mm films. Also note that all our scanning and transfer services include cleaning at no additional charge.
The following is a list of our prices for the services we provide!
Be sure to read the Additional Important Information below.
8mm & Super 8mm Film Transfer
- As low as $0.20 per ft. - See below
Film Reel Footage Pricing
- 3" Reel - 50 ft. - $0.28 per ft.
- 5" Reel - 200 ft. - $0.26 per ft.
- 6" Reel - 300 ft. - $0.25 per ft.
- 7" Reel - 400 ft. - $0.20 per ft.
Film, Slide & Negative Cleaning
- *Included as part of transfer service.
Film Splicing (Per splice)
- $0.60 per splice
- Eight 50 ft. films spliced to a 7 inch reel - $18.50 (Includes blank reel)
Film & video Transfer Output
- USB Thumb Drive - $12.50 ea.
- First DVD - Included with service
- Extra DVDs - $10.95 ea.
- BluRay Disc - $15.00 ea.

Slide & Negative Scanning
- 1 - 99 - $0.50 per slide or neg.
- 200-499 - $0.45 per slide or neg.
- 500 - 1499 - $0.35 per slide or neg.
- 1500 - 2999 - $0.30 per slide or neg.
- 3000 & Up - $0.25 per slide or neg.
Photo Scanning
- Photo Scan - $0.30 per scan
- Simple Color Correction - included
- Complex Color Correction - priced by the hour at $30.00 per hour
- Create Slide Show - $30 per 150 photos saved to DVD - First disc free - additional discs $12.95 ea. (For optional thumb drive add $14.50)
VHS Tape Transfer
- $20 per tape - up to 2 hours of video per tape*. Over 2 hours add $10 - Over 4 hours add $15
Minimum Charge
- Minimum charge for all services is $45
The following is some additional information that is important to process projects.
- A $25.00 additional services charge applies to all orders when multiple items are shipped to us. This is to cover tagging, packaging and itemizing where applicable.
- Any items sent to us for processing will be returned to you shipped free upon completion of the project.
- At this time we do not transfer Betamax tapes.
- *Pricing out VHS tape transfer can be very complicated because of the varying amount of recording time that may be on each cassette. Therefore, in order to be fair to our customers, final pricing may be different to the pricing above. Whenever possible we adjust pricing to be the fairest to you. We base this on the number of hours of recording on the tapes among other factors. Before we start any project, we analyze the tapes to determine how many hours of recording are on individual cassettes. We then send you final pricing for the project. If you choose to not proceed based on the pricing we give you, we will return your items free of charge.
- All film, video and photo editing is done on an hourly basis at $25 per hour. Editing of film and video includes color correction, elimination of bad sectors, video noise reduction, transitions between scenes, titles, menus and more.
- The most value always is obtained by having as many items as possible transferred to digital at the same time!
- On every project we will have personal contact with the customer to assure that we are able to fulfill all expectations on the project. That may be through email correspondence or by phone. We want to make sure we understand what it is that you expect from our work.
- Our first choice for output of VHS tapes will always be USB flash drive unless otherwise specified. USB flash drives hold much more info and are becoming more commonplace as many people no longer have DVD players or DVD drives on their computers..
- And probably the most important thing to note is: Bad film or video will still be bad film or video when converted to digital. No matter how much editing or digital enhancement is done, an out of focus, under exposed, shaky, or damaged film or video will still look bad in digital format. With few exceptions, unless we receive prior instruction, we will leave these bad clips in the final video. If we are given discretion, we will remove them.